B.Voc. - Agriculture & Horticulture

The B.Voc. program in Agriculture & Horticulture is designed to provide students with comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in both agriculture and horticulture fields. It aims to equip students with the necessary competencies to contribute effectively to the sustainable development of agricultural and horticultural practices. The curriculum integrates theoretical learning with hands-on training, enabling students to develop expertise in crop cultivation, soil management, pest control, plant propagation, landscaping, and nursery management.

Students enrolled in this program study a diverse range of subjects, including agronomy, plant pathology, entomology, soil science, crop physiology, pomology, olericulture, floriculture, landscape design, and irrigation management. They learn about sustainable agricultural practices, organic farming methods, precision agriculture techniques, and the use of biotechnology in crop improvement.

Through practical training and fieldwork, students gain valuable hands-on experience in crop production, nursery operations, greenhouse management, and landscaping projects. They learn about different types of crops, fruits, vegetables, ornamental plants, and their cultivation techniques. They also acquire skills in soil testing, fertilizer application, pest and disease management, and irrigation systems.

The program emphasizes entrepreneurship and innovation in agriculture and horticulture, encouraging students to develop new varieties of crops, innovative farming techniques, and value-added products. Graduates of this program can pursue diverse career opportunities in the agriculture and horticulture sectors. They may work as farm managers, crop advisors, horticulturists, nursery managers, landscape designers, agricultural extension officers, or agricultural consultants. Additionally, graduates may start their ventures in crop production, horticulture farming, landscaping services, or agribusiness enterprises. They may also choose to pursue further studies or specialized certifications to enhance their career prospects and expertise in specific areas of agriculture and horticulture.

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