B. Sc (Hons) - Forensic Science

A Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Forensic Science is a specialized program designed to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of the application of scientific principles and techniques to solve crimes and contribute to the criminal justice system. This multidisciplinary field integrates knowledge from various scientific disciplines such as biology, chemistry, physics, and criminal justice to analyze physical evidence found at crime scenes. Students enrolled in this program typically study a range of subjects including forensic biology, forensic chemistry, forensic toxicology, forensic anthropology, forensic entomology, and forensic psychology. Through laboratory work, fieldwork, and simulated crime scene investigations, students develop practical skills in evidence collection, preservation, analysis, and interpretation. They learn to utilize advanced scientific instrumentation and techniques such as DNA analysis, fingerprint analysis, ballistics, spectroscopy, and microscopy to identify and analyze evidence. Additionally, they study the legal and ethical aspects of forensic science, including the chain of custody, expert testimony, and courtroom procedures. This degree equips graduates with the expertise to work in various sectors of the criminal justice system, including law enforcement agencies, forensic laboratories, government agencies, private consulting firms, and legal firms. Graduates may pursue careers as forensic scientists, crime scene investigators, forensic analysts, forensic technicians, or forensic psychologists, playing a crucial role in the investigation and resolution of criminal cases. Furthermore, the degree serves as a solid foundation for further studies at the graduate level in forensic science, criminal justice, forensic pathology, or related fields, enabling individuals to advance their knowledge and expertise in this dynamic and challenging field.

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