BBA - Web Development

A Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) program in Web Development offers students a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices essential for designing and implementing dynamic websites and web applications. This interdisciplinary curriculum integrates business administration fundamentals with specialized coursework in web development technologies, programming languages, and user experience design. Students learn to create visually appealing and functional websites that meet the needs of businesses and users alike, while also focusing on optimization for performance, accessibility, and search engine visibility.

Throughout the program, students gain hands-on experience working with industry-standard tools and platforms, honing their skills in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and various web development frameworks. They also explore topics such as responsive web design, server-side scripting, database integration, and security best practices. Additionally, students learn about project management methodologies and teamwork strategies, preparing them to collaborate effectively in professional web development environments.

Graduates of BBA programs in Web Development are well-equipped to pursue careers as web developers, front-end developers, back-end developers, or full-stack developers in a wide range of industries, including technology, e-commerce, media, and marketing. With the increasing demand for online presence and digital experiences, businesses rely on skilled web developers to create engaging and user-friendly websites that drive customer engagement and business growth.

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